Congratulations! You've just landed a job as "storm guard" in a watchtower. Your mission: To track and report on the incoming weather to keep the city safe.  Storms are approaching, but what kind are they?

Can you correctly identify them in time to warn the city about the disaster?

Submission for the Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2

Made by Erlend and Hans

How to play:

Use the A and D keys to move between different camera angles

You can click on the windows and devices in the room to look at and interact with them. 

You can use the S key to go away from devices and windows

When a storm arrives an alarm goes off, and red lights start flashing. Now you need to start reading the devices and send a report before the time runs out.

There are different measurement devices that keep track of the weather, identify which is which by looking at them, and take their readings over to the report station (the green console)

On the table there is a radar and a computer, the computer shows the remaining time you have for sending a report. The radar can show either where tornadoes are, or where lightning strikes. You can use this to determine the direction of either.

On the reporting table you have to choose a weather type before you send a report, do your best to determine which it is by looking and the weather, and the measurements they give.


The game uses these asset packs:

Development log


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Well, I definitely like the idea of it.  But it's incredibly difficult to know what I'm supposed to do or how long I have to figure it out.  The conditions change a little too quickly and the controls are too cumbersome to keep up.  I felt like I was in panic mode from the beginning with no time to learn. It was fun trying, though.

Thanks for the feedback! We will definitely take that into account in further updates.

This is a very unique Idea, while it can be a bit difficult understanding what to do and what is what, givin a bit of time to enjoy this could be fun.

I love the visuals too, great job dude :).

Thanks a lot!